16:00~16:30 | 「Reflow Soldering Silver Paste and Stretchable Inks Stack for Automotive and Wearable Applications」 Ludovic Ferrigno (Japan regional manager, Nano Japan Consulting) ACI Materials specializes in advanced conductive silver inks compatible with the reflow soldering process and innovative stretchable inks (silver, carbon, insulant, TPU), ideal for flexible electronics and wearable applications. Alchemy's silver ink will be introduced with its superior conductivity, flexibility, and durability, making it suitable for automotive battery management systems. The stretchable inks stack, composed of compatible and easy-to-print silver, carbon, and insulant inks with TPU, will also be introduced with its high conductivity, durability, and applications in wearable and medical devices. |
16:30~17:00 | 「ニューロング精密工業のスクリーン印刷技術力向上への取り組み紹介」 ニューロング精密工業株式会社 開発部 藤村 保博 様 |
E-mail: soft-sensing@gp.yz.yamagata-u.ac.jp